Episode 161 – 2017 Best of Clip Show

They hate us cause they ain’t us!

2017 is in the books and here are some of your favorite clips from the trash fire that was 2017. Let I ice it in 2018, y’all!

Episode 160 – Grateful Fortunate Boys

The Boys wrap 2017 with their last live to tape show in true end-of-year fashion, by telling you, someone with your own agency and opinions, what the best things of 2017 ACTUALLY were. Darryl and Dave made top-10 lists of memories of things they discussed on the show, and no-spoilers, it’s pretty good. Dave tries to tie the whole experience together with an ill-conceived baseball metaphor which, aside from being unnecessary, is just dumb.

Dave elected to re-use the header image from a previous show because it’s really good.

Continue reading Episode 160 – Grateful Fortunate Boys

Episode 159 – Garland Fitted Banisters

Darryl and Dave are back again, just for you. Darryl talks Animal Crossing, Dave talks Holiday party, and they guys answer a metric ton of emails.

Continue reading Episode 159 – Garland Fitted Banisters