Episode 64 – Free Play, All Day

The guys pooped out this turd of a show right before Thanksgiving, so forgive them, their minds were elsewhere.

Dave starts by getting Darryl caught up on the snowfall he missed by deserting to Orlando. Classic Darryl, he actually misses snow!

Darryl takes command of the show with an epic retelling of his visit to Free Play Florida, where he checked out bunch of coin-op, pinball, and legacy home systems for a low, low entry fee (but not free, as the name of the show may suggest). He also tried to get Sexy talking about Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker…and that was a mistake.

The guys then talk about the massive stack of games they have on their plates, so if you like hearing people talk a lot about games they haven’t played yet this section is dedicated to you.

Finally, Dave talks about the last Divekick update before the guys answer a couple emails.

Continue reading Episode 64 – Free Play, All Day

Episode 63 – Get Monked!

After last week’s disaster of a show the guys are back with a Certified Banger. Sorry about that, we’ll never have Jebailey on again.

The guys start with Darryl getting sexy and Dave getting hype. Then Dave goes into an extended retelling of his Extra Life stream for Giant Bomb, and boy, if you’re super into Until Dawn you’re in luck. Turns out that game is amazing, and they guys talk at length about it (they veer briefly into spoilerville, but you can avoid that easily enough with the timestamps below). Until Dawn is currently in the driver’s seat for GOTY.

The show gets rounded out by talking about Dave’s trip to Oculus, and friend of the show Liz sends in a quality email.

Continue reading Episode 63 – Get Monked!

Episode 62 – Darryl Interviews Alex Jebailey

With Dave out of town, Darryl is left with few options and is forced to interview Alex Jebailey, Community Manager for Iron Galaxy and the man behind the fighting game tournament series Community Effort Orlando.

Want to know how Alex got started at IG? Want to hear all about how he won the Blockbuster Videogame Championship? No? Perhaps you’re curious how Alex got so good at fighting games? Not that either? Do you want to hear about how he met Adam “Keits” Heart, and got added as a character in Divekick? Boy…tough crowd. Well, at one point he awkwardly forces the conversation onto how he gets stalked a lot by ex-girlfriends (one is forced to assume this was a misguided attempt to relate how good he is with women) and it made me cringe, you’ll want to hear that for sure.

Continue reading Episode 62 – Darryl Interviews Alex Jebailey

Episode 61 – It’s Beat Time!

Dave and Darryl are joined once again in person. However due to real life shenanigans the show notes are lacking… for now.

Continue reading Episode 61 – It’s Beat Time!

Episode 60 – I’m Batman

Holy, late and missing episode notes Batman!

Continue reading Episode 60 – I’m Batman